Precious smiling and radiant, holding her white cane in front of a blue fabric background. She is wearing a fitted green dress with blue eye makeup and her box braids styled in two buns on top of her head.

Precious Perez, también conocida como “la reggaetonera ciega” es una nueva artista de raíces estadounidenses y latinas. Nacida en Boston, con familia puertorriqueña y actualmente residente de Kentucky, Precious se encuentra transitando su nueva era musical luego de haber sido graduada con una doble licenciatura en Educación Musical e Interpretación vocal de Berklee College of Music.
Su camino musical desde temprana edad ha estado acompañado por grandes referentes de la música latina, lo que hizo nacer su razón de ser en la música: «Ser la primera reggaetonera ciega en la industria musical latina, rompiendo los moldes hegemónicos».
Su historia y música, la han llevado a hacerse escuchar en espacios como y Telemundo. Activamente, Precious lucha por abrir espacio a los profesionales de la música con discapacidades, siendo la presidenta de Recording Artists and Music Professionals with Disabilities (RAMPD).
Actualmente, se encuentra próxima a estrenar su nuevo sencillo “Sin Preguntar”, bajo el sello musical global We Could Be Music. Desde una fusión de reggaetón y salsa que la conectan profundamente con sus raíces y disfrute de la vida, presenta la primera de tres canciones que muestran su lado más fresco. Su nueva era musical será debutada en Kennedy Center en Washington DC.

Precious Perez, also known as “the blind reggaetonera” is a new artist with American and Latin roots. Born in Boston to a Puerto Rican family and currently a resident of Kentucky, Precious is entering her new musical era after graduating with a double major in Music Education and Vocal Performance from Berklee College of Music. Her musical path from an early age has been accompanied by great influences in Latin music, which gave birth to her purpose: “To be the first blind reggaetonera in the Latin music industry, breaking the mold.” Her story and music have led her to be featured in spaces like and Telemundo. Precious actively works to make space for music professionals with disabilities, serving as President of Recording Artists and Music Professionals with Disabilities (RAMPD). She has released her new single “ Sin Preguntar”, under the global record label We Could Be Music. With a fusion of reggaeton and salsa that deeply connects her with her roots and enjoyment of life, she presents the first of three songs that show her fresher side. Her new musical era will debut at the Kennedy Center in Washington DC. Precious also loves to express herself in writing when the inspiration hits. Explore this website or follow this link to view a sample of her work.